Composition for audiovisual installation by Studio Nick Verstand 
- In collaboration with Naivi.
see video here                  

ANIMA II researches how we materialise our inner emotional experience into an external physical form that is perceivable to the senses. The work investigates how this new perspective can shift one's perception of our respective inner worlds. Can one's interaction with a constructed symbolic object work to develop a deeper understanding of our inner being?
The transformation between inner and outer reality is actualised in the work by application of the ‘Wu Xing’ system, deriving from Chinese philosophy. This scheme links inner emotional experiences to five transitory phases in nature: Wood, Earth, Water, Fire, and Metal.

The five phases are represented by algorithmically generated fluid visual projections across the surface of the sphere. The spherical imagery, which emanates from within the object, is achieved by use of a single projector coupled with a hemispherical lens. The visual representation is accompanied by a spatial sound composition constructed from recordings of corresponding elements in nature.

2 December 2017-2018
Design Society, V&A, Schenzhen, China

Links and press:
Studio Nick Verstand Victoria & Albert Museum - A Preview of  Minding the Digital